Suffusion Version 2.4.7

7 days after processing my previous update, WP finally approved my latest update, version 2.4.7 on 20th October. I had made submissions of 2.4.5, 2.4.6 and finally 2.4.7 before the last update was processed. The last three releases have brought forth some major changes:

  1. Nicer Excerpts – You can now do a lot more with your excerpts. Your excerpt will display a thumbnail corresponding to the post. This thumbnail can be custom defined for a post, or else the first image in the gallery for the post will be picked up and if that is missing, the first image included in the body of the post will be picked up. I am yet to add the functionality for a default image, but I will do that soon.
  2. My first full-fledged Widget – Yup, I created a widget for Twitter. Nothing fancy, but hopefully you will like it. One of the key advantages of the widget is the set of customization options – you can pick from 10 different Twitter icons and set it up with different options, like enabling / disabling the display of Tweets etc.
  3. Translations – Finally we have an official translation in this release – French. Over the last couple of days I have been modifying the translation files for Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese, too, so they are available to people using 2.4.7. The French translation is the only one with the Twitter stuff translated – the other languages have it missing. I am, however, happy to include the Twitter widget translation into the translation files for the others, if you can tell me what the translation texts should be. You are welcome to download the translation files from here for the additional languages.

Translation Files
European Portuguesept_PT.po,

To make the translations work, do the following:

  1. Download the files for the language that you want (French is included with the theme)
  2. Place the files in the folder called “translation” under your theme’s folder
  3. In the installation folder for WordPress you will see a file called wp-config.php. Look for a line there that says “define ('WPLANG' ...“. Replace it with “define ('WPLANG', 'es_ES');” for the Spanish translation etc. You are set

If you want to translate the theme to another language or you believe that some of the translation is incorrect, please let me know. You can track translations on the Support Forum.

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