I missed providing the change log for the last couple of Photonic releases, but both were fairly minor and dealt mostly with stabilization. Anyway, for the sake of completeness, here goes:
- 2.44
- I removed the capability to show “more buttons” on archive views. This was a feature that was rarely used, if ever, but took up a good bit of code.
- I improved the way error messages are displayed while communicating with different sources.
- I fixed a bug with the Google Photos module where an invalid refresh token was causing an error about missing OAuth2 credentials.
- Instagram’s tokens were supposed to be automatically refreshed close to expiry. This was not working and has been fixed.
- I fixed a bug where the “More” button was not showing up on the wizard for Instagram.
- Album descriptions were showing up if albums were included on pages. This has been fixed.
- 2.45
- Titles of SmugMug folders, Flickr collections and Zenfolio groups were not showing up on pages in some cases (this was working fine for posts). This has been addressed.