Myth: You need proprietary concepts such as “leaves” or “sections” to add fancy things to various locations on your site.
Fact: You need widgets – fundamental, functional, nice and feature-rich ones. Everything else is just bloatware.
Widgets, if coded nicely can be ported from theme to theme with minimal fuss. More importantly since they form a core WP construct, you can add them to pretty much any supporting area without any effort.
Suffusion gets this concept. Hence your Suffusion installation comes with many special widgets that make it easy to make your site look just the way you want. With its wide array of widget-capable areas you can add practically what you want where you want.
Featured Posts
- Pick categories, tags, sticky posts, latest posts, or even individual posts. The widget gives you an amazing level of control on what you can display.
- Pick from an extensive level of effects to show your slide transitioning.
- Take full charge over how your slider controls are shown: numeric indices, worded controls, or icons. Show the controls below the slides or over them.
Query Posts
- Shows recent posts, random posts, posts in a category, posts with some tags, specific post formats etc.
- Shows just the post titles, or thumbnails of varying sizes, or excerpts or full posts.
- Displays all posts in one widget, or splits posts into their individual widgets.
Query Users
- Displays users by access levels (Contributors, Editors etc.).
- Shows simply the Avatars for your users, or displays additional information such as a description, the number of posts, comments etc.
- Mixes display types as desired, showing only Avatars for some users and full details for others.
Child Pages
- Displays all the child pages of the current page, including or excluding grandchildren as desired.
- Shows thumbnails and small excerpts of each page.
- Dynamically controls the title of the widget, and lets you hide the widget if no children are found.
- Shows the profile picture of the person tweeting and that of the original tweeter in case of a re-tweet.
- Lets you control how many tweets you want to display.
Follow Me
There is a widget for Google Translator, in addition to the somewhat enhanced Meta widget and the Search widget. They are fairly self explanatory and easy to use.