Translation Updates

In the recent past I have received a few complaints about missing translation strings in the suffusion.po file. I used to use the online translation tool provided by ICanLocalize (I know they are connected to WPML, but I don’t know if the folks who wrote WPML are the same as those who own ICanLocalize). But it does seem like their program is somewhat buggy, as it kept dropping some translation strings again and again from the PO file.

So I went ahead and used a slightly different approach, as described in the WP Codex. This tool has a problem of plenty, in the sense that it detects a bunch of strings that don’t have much to do with the translation calls within the theme. But it did catch all the strings that the online tool missed, so I am switching to this new mode of translation. The new PO file has been bundled with the 4.4.0 version of Suffusion, which has been approved but hasn’t gone live at the time of writing.

I have updated the PO file on the translation pool – due to the differences caught by the new PO file generator a bunch of new lines have come up and most translations have gone from their 90%+ translation rate to lower completion percentages. Translators can go ahead an update the new strings at their convenience.

I also recently bit the bullet and with the help of the transliteration capabilities of Google Translator I wrote out the Hindi and Bengali translations of the theme. Though I am Bengali by birth and though I speak Hindi like a native speaker, English is where my strengths lie. So it is likely that some translations will be incorrect, and if that is the case, corrections are welcome.

I did mention above that 4.4.0 has been approved – a detailed release notice will go out once it goes live. To refresh your memories, that is the “responsive” version.

I am currently putting the finishing touches on the next version of FontMeister – this will support Font Squirrel, becoming the first plugin to do so. Again, release notes will be provided when I push out the new version.

2 Responses to “Translation Updates”

  1. As a native bengali speaker I’ll certainly go and improve bengali translation of my most favorite theme.

  2. Hello Sayontan Sinha:
    I was Yi Lin, I have translated Traditional Chinese .po file.
    But I can not register translation pool.
    This is the translated files, update the translation file.
    Thank you.