Over the past one week Flickr made some undocumented changes to its uploads, so that when a user uploads photos, a few things were changing:
- Some URL formats stopped being supported. In particular if users were relying on the official documentation, they were likely to be facing some issues.
- New videos started getting their URLs at a different location than the old videos
I had to quickly adapt Photonic to support these changes in version 2.26:
- Changed all instances of
- Thumbnails for videos were no longer being returned in a manner similar to older videos, so the code has been modified to address that
- The Flickr changes also caused single photo invocations to break – I have fixed that part as well
- A change unrelated to Flickr was that the LightGallery full-screen plugin has been updated to the latest version to address a JS error that used to show up when a gallery was closed.
Apologies for forgetting to post this earlier – I was quite tied up getting Kon-Tiki live on this site.