Photonic Version 3.04 – Lazy Load & Markup Reduction

I released version 3.04 of Photonic a little while back. This version has a few major changes:

  1. New Features
    1. Lazy loading – This is, by far, the biggest feature of this release. If all image sizes are available, Photonic will automatically lazy-load a gallery for you. Historically, the more advanced layouts in Photonic relied on JavaScript to fetch the image size before it could determine a layout. However, I was able to find a way to work around this. If you want to avoid lazy-loading, you can use the JavaScript layout engine. This is useful in certain scenarios under Flickr, where Flickr might have incorrect image dimensions.
    2. “Show More” in WP Galleries – You can now add a “More” button on WordPress galleries that are attached to a post or page. See option 2 in the overview.
  2. Changes
    1. I have done a significant amount of cleanup in the gallery markup. This should reduce the payload for the galleries by quite a bit.
    2. I have made some changes to have Flickr pick up URLs starting with where possible. This makes the Flickr URLs more reliable.

Happy photo-blogging!

One Response to “Photonic Version 3.04 – Lazy Load & Markup Reduction”

  1. Thanks for the update! The gallery load time on my site has changed dramatically for the better!