Photonic’s Obsessively Comprehensive Documentation (aka “The OCD”)

The following is a complete list of documentation for Photonic:

  1. Gallery Support – What sources does Photonic support? What does it support from each source?
  2. Gallery Creation – How do you create a gallery? Does Photonic work with Gutenberg? Does it work without Gutenberg?
  3. Native WP Galleries – How does Photonic help with native WP galleries?
  4. Flickr – What do you need to set Photonic up to work with Flickr? Once you have done the basic Flickr setup, read the following for support for various Flickr concepts:
    1. Photos
    2. Photosets / Albums
    3. Galleries
    4. Collections
    5. Single photos
    6. Authentication, privacy levels
  5. SmugMug – What do you need to set Photonic up to work with SmugMug? Once you have done the basic setup, read the following for support for various SmugMug concepts:
    1. Photos
    2. Albums
    3. Folders
    4. User Tree
  6. Google Photos – Setup for Google Photos is tedious mostly thanks to Google. Please go through the documentation well. Once you have done the setup, read the following for support for various Google Photos concepts:
    1. Photos
    2. Albums
  7. Zenfolio – Zenfolio requires no setup, so you can start creating galleries right away. Read the following for support for various Zenfolio concepts:
    1. Photos
    2. Photosets
    3. Groups
    4. Group Hierarchies
  8. Instagram – Instagram support is limited to the API scope that has been granted to Photonic, i.e. an authenticated user’s own content can be displayed
  9. Miscellaneous Topics
    1. Video Support – Can Photonic support YouTube? Vimeo? Videos locally hosted?
    2. Layout options – Explore the plethora of layout options – simple grid layouts, justified grids, masonry, mosaic and slideshows
    3. Lightbox Support – What lightboxes does Photonic support? Can you integrate your own lightbox?
    4. Optimization – Tips to get maximum mileage out of Photonic on your site
    5. Authentication
    6. Gutenberg Support – Do you have to do anything special to make Photonic work with Gutenberg?
    7. Privacy Policy – Photonic collects zero data from you and everything you do with it stays on your site.

If any of the documentation is confusing or complicated or incorrect, please open up a thread on the Support Forum. In most cases my responses are prompt and thorough.